Why the existence of the soul needs to be proved scientifically at all in order for it to become accepted and recognized by the diversity of humans? Why instead of exploring the potential and resources of a human soul or personal essence, humanity is still looking for the evidence and undeniable facts of its existence? How many more years we will spend on proving the most essential part of our being just not to experience its presence in our everyday reality?
These questions are not less challenging than the discussion about the existence of the soul, however, it seems important to understand this endless human necessity to provide evidence for the substance that can’t be seen, heard or touched but rather experienced and felt. Daniels M. (2005), in his book Shadow, self, spirit, described these experiences as “not nearly as mysterious as it sounds” (p. 2938), for example:
intuition and inspiration – “insights and knowledge whose source is unknown but come from some deep place within the self".
guiding impulse – “as if an unseen force is driving and directing our lives according to some prior agenda”.
groundedness – “the sense of connection to a deeper, more authentic self".
conversion/rebirth - “experiences, often triggered by a personal crisis, in which consciousness and personality undergo a profound spiritual transformation”.
As a therapist, I hear about these kinds of experiences in my practice almost every day. The reason for that is not that I work with people who had mystical live events or come from some deep spiritual practices and traditions. On the contrary, I meet with ordinary people who live ordinary lives, if there is such thing at all. It seems that when my clients enter a space where they can share and explore their feelings and deep experiences, where they are “allowed” to express their personal essence or soul without trying to prove its existence, it stops being mysterious or fading and becomes natural, everyday being. When people become curious in this kind of self-discovery, they naturally lose the necessity for specific proves or clear evidence and grow to be more focused in the explorations of this part of their beings.
If we, humans, will imagine that we have all the scientific evidence for the existence of the soul that we need, will it help us to trust it and fully experience our own personal essence? Will it be enough for us to accept our soul as a part of our being? If the answer is yes, then let’s keep looking for the evidence, whatever it can be.
Daniels, M. (2005). Shadow, self, spirit: Essays in transpersonal psychology. Exeter, UK: Imprint Academic.